NET 6 which brings a lot of performance improvements outside of the Flash part. While using the Custom Drop UI, DropInfos (ScriptInterface#Player.CurrentDropInfos) contain the item ID too.Drops should be picked up right, don't matter current the UI.Auto Attack/Hunt should be faster in general.Add single quest in the Auto Attack/Hunt fixed.Drops reworked, I expect no more problems from it.Deleted unnecessary copies from the source code.ScriptInterface#Shops.MergeItems and MergeItem object removed as it was redundant with ScriptInterface#Shops.ShopItems, missing property added to ShopItem.ScriptInterface#Events.ScriptStopping: Occurs after the script is stopped, you can put any cleanup code in that event.ScriptInterface#Events.ItemDropped: Occurs when an item is dropped or added to your inventory.Monster#MaxHP: The maximum health points of the monster.

ScriptInterface#Quests.CanComplete now also checks if you have all the required items instead of only relying in a game property that is not being updated correctly.ScriptInterface#Events.RunToArea added, use it for monsters with mechanics like Ledgermayne and Ultra Dage.